Saturday, October 15, 2011

Sœur Marie Keyrouz – Chant Traditionnel Maronite

Album : Chant Tradionnel Maronite
Performer(s) : Sœur Marie Keyrouz
Release date : 1991
Label: Harmonia Mundi France
Number of discs : 1
Genre : Religious
Total time : 01:11:32

1.      Schubho-Ihaw Qolo   
2.      Taw Nimar   
3.      Yawno Tlito   
4.      Baytun Maghara/Ya Bikra-L-'Abi   
5.      Ho Qtilo Bmesren/Ja'al Ilagou/Nashduka-SK-Shoukran   
6.      Qanoun   
7.      Hallel/Qadish Qadish/Mshiho Dabyaldeh   
8.      Ya Umma-L-Lah
9.      Anal'ummu-L-Havina   
10.  Nay   
11.  Fil-Lay-Li   
12.  Bakkara Abram   
13.  Tisbonhto-L-Moryo 
14.  Yawmou-SH-Sharr/Rabbi-Imadhbouh   
15.  Ud   
16.  Ayyouha-R-Rabbou Ilahuna/Fawqa-S-Salib/Moubarakun Man Fadana   
17.  Tara'at   
18.  Halleluia/Qama-L-Lahou Min Mathwahou/Qadishat Aloho   
19.  Qama Wa-D-Dhulmu Hawa   
20.  Inna-I-Masih Qad Qam

Without regard for this music's age or liturgical or historical context, the experience of listening to Chant traditionnel maronite is one of unleavened joy and spiritual energy. Sister Marie Keyrouz has made it her mission to bring together the differing Mediterranean cultures through sacred song, and Chant traditionnel maronite is one of the most successful and satisfying stops to be found along this way.