Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Brigitte Lesne & Disanctus – Gilles Bichois: l’Argument de Beauté

Album : l’Argument de Beauté
Performers : Brigitte Lesne & Disanctus
Release date : 2010
Number of discs : 1
Label : AEON
Genre : Medieval
Total time : 00:53 :53

1 - Ave corpus christi - contrafactum sur une chanson de Gilles Binchois
2 - Kyrie - Gilles Binchois
3 - Omnes una gaudeamus - carol
4 - Gloria - attribué à Gilles Binchois
5 - Diffusa est gratia / verset Propter veritatem - graduel
6 - Sanctus - Gilles Binchois
7 - Agnus dei - Gilles Binchois
8 - Ecce quod natura - carol [joué aux cloches]
9 - Salve sancta parens - introït, Gilles Binchois
10 - Alleluia / verset Salve mundi
11 - Salve sancta parens - carol
12 - Da pacem domine - antienne, Gilles Binchois
13 - Virgo rosa venustatis - contrafactum sur une chanson de Gilles Binchois
14 - Priusquam te formaret / verset Misit dominus - graduel
15 - Inter natos mulierum / verset Fuit homo - repons
16 - Ut queant laxis - hymne, Gilles Binchois
17 - Princeps serenissime - carol
18 - Alleluia / verset Gaude dei genitrix
19 - A solis ortus cardine - hymne, Gilles Binchois
20 - Benedicamus domino Deo gratias - repons, Gilles Binchois

Ensemble Discantus, founded in 1989, made their considered reputation in recordings on Opus111 and later for Zigzag. Here in their Aeon debut these 15th-century polyphonies, musica ficta - accidentals not noted in the manuscripts but which have to be added in the melodic line - is left to the art of these able performers, under the direction of Brigitte Lesne.



Monday, August 29, 2011

Eduardo Paniagua & Musica Antigua – Cantigas de Italia

Album : Cantigas de Italia – Alfonso X El Sabio
Performer : Eduardo Paniagua & Musica Antigua
Release date : 1998
Label :  Pneuma
Catalog #: PN-510
Number of discs : 1
Genre : Medieval
Total time : 01:02:32


1.    CSM 327: Las piernas "Porque ben Santa María sabe os seus dões dar," (instr.)
2.    CSM 293: El juglar de Lombardía "Par Deus muit' é gran dereito"
3.    CSM 206: El Papa Leon de Roma "Quen souber Santa María"
4.    CSM 335: Idolos de Sicilia "Com' en si naturalmente"
5.    CSM 407: Ciego por el demonio "Como o demo cofonder" (instr.)
6.    CSM 136: La imagen de foggia de Apulia "Poi-las figuras fazen dos santos"
7.    CSM 219: El púlpito de Siena "Non conven aa omagen"
8.    CSM 87: El obispo de Pavia "Muito punna d'os seus onrrar"
9.    CSM 92: Clérigo ciego "Santa María poder á" (instr.)
10. CSM 73: La casulla de Turin "Ben pod' as cousas feas"
11. CSM 132: El clérigo de Pisa "Quen leixar Santa María"

Música Antigua [Paula Vega (soprano), Patricia Paz (soprano), Luis Vincent (counter-tenor & canno), Germán Torrellas (bajo), Felipe Sánchez (vihuela de peñola & bandurria medieval), Rafael Martín (zanfona), Javier Coble (siringa), Enrique Almendros (arpa, chirimia, gaita, flauta de tres agujeros con tambor, y gaita charra con tambor), Jaime Muiñoz (axabeba, kaval & cálamo), Luis Delgado (organo portativ, tromba marina, darbuga, bendir, tambor con tensores, pandero, tar, pandereta, cántaras & carraca), Eduardo Paniagua (salterio, flautas a bisel tenor, fahl, flauta pastoril, campanil, darbuga, agual, tar, sistro de madera, espadilla, carraca & cimbalos) - Eduardo Paniagua, dir.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Gregorio Paniagua – Las Cantigas de Hita (Alfonso X, El Sabio)

Album : Las Cantigas de Hita del Alfonso X, El Sabio
Artist : Gregorio Paniagua & Atrium Musicae
Release date : 1996
Number of discs : 1
Lable : Hispavox
Genre : Medieval
Total time : 00:40:57

Juan Ruiz, Arcipreste de Hita
1.      "De como clerigos e legos e flaires e monjas e dueñas e joglares, salieron a reçebir a Don Amor" (8' 00")
Alfonso el Sabio (attr.): Cantigas de Santa Maria
2.      Cantiga 83: Aos seus acomendato (13' 13")
Alfonso el Sabio (attr.): Cantigas de Santa Maria
3.      Cantiga 318: Queen a Deus et a ssa Madre (19' 42") 

Atrium Musicae was an early music ensemble from Madrid, Spain, founded in 1964 by Gregorio Paniagua, a Spanish monk.
Atrium Musicae:
[Gregorio Paniagua, Eduardo Paniagua, Cristina Ubeda, Pablo Cano, Beatriz Amo, Luis Paniagua, Carlos Paniagua] - Gregorio Paniagua, dir. (They all sing and play a large variety of instruments, up to a dozen each) 

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Alla Francesca – Llibre Vermell de Monserrat

Album : Llibre Vermell de Montserrat
Performer : Alla Francesca
Release date : 1995
Label :  ARTS Music
Number of discs : 1
Genre : Medieval
Total time : 01:06:24

Anon., Las Huelgas Ms.:
  1. In virgulto gracie
    Alfonso el Sabio (attr.): Cantigas de Santa Maria
  2. Cantiga 48: Tanto son da groriosa
  3. Cantiga 302: A Madre de Jhesu Christo
  4. Cantiga 57: Mui grandes noit'e dia
    Anon., Las Huelgas Ms.:
  5. Casta catolica
    Anon., Llibre Vermell de Montserrat:
  6. O virgo splendens
  7. Stella splendens in monte
  8. Laudemus virgiriem / Splendcns ceptgera
  9. Los set goytx
  10. Cuncti simus
  11. Polorum regina
  12. Inperayritz de la ciutat joyosa
  13. Mariam matrem virginem
  14. Inperayritz de la ciutat joyosa
  15. Los set goytx
  16. Ad mortem festinamus 

Pilgrim songs and dances associated with the Shrine to the Virgin of Montserrat.

As such, the purpose of the compilation is made clear by its anonymous compiler himself:
Quia interdum peregrini quando vigilant in ecclesia Beate Marie de Monte Serrato volunt cantare et trepudiare, et etiam in platea de die, et ibi non debeant nisi honestas ac devotas cantilenas cantare, idcirco superius et inferius alique sunt scripte. Et de hoc uti debent honeste et parce, ne perturbent perseverantes in orationibus et devotis contemplationibus.
"Because the pilgrims wish to sing and dance while they keep their watch at night in the church of the Blessed Mary of Montserrat, and also in the light of day; and in the church no songs should be sung unless they are chaste and pious, for that reason these songs that appear here have been written. And these should be used modestly, and take care that no one who keeps watch in prayer and contemplation is disturbed."

Check it out!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Theatrum Instrumentorum – Llibre Vermell de Monserrat

Album : Llibre Vermell de Montserrat
Performer : Theatrum Instrumentorum
Release date : 1997
Label :  ARTS Music
Number of discs : 1
Genre : Medieval
Total time : 00:57:13

1. O Virgo Splendens 
2. Los Set Goyts 
3. Stella Splendens 
4. Laudemus Virginem/Splendens Ceptigera 
5. Cuncti Simus Concanentes 
6. Mariam Matrem Virginem 
7. Nota Cantionis De Illo Viro Capistrano
8. Imperayritz De La Ciutat Joyosa
9. Tuba Gallicalis 
10. Polorum Regina 
11. Cedit Frigus 
12. Ad mortem Festinamus

Pilgrim songs and dances associated with the Shrine to the Virgin of Montserrat.

Between the monody between the cultured, between the sacred and the profane:
the “Llibre Vermell de Montserrat”.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Misha Alexandrovich – The Tree of Life

Album : The Tree of Life
Performer : Misha Alexandrovich
Release date : 1999
Label : Pläne
Genre : Religious
Number of discs : 1
Total time : 01:15:42

Traditional chants from the Jewish Liturgy
1. Uveyom Simhatkhem (4:37)
2. Ahavat Olam (7:24)
3. Modim Anachnu (6:59)
4. Umnip Nel Hatoeinu (6:43)
5. Brich Shmei (6:08)
6. Seeirat Haomer (7:16)
7. Retze Vimenuchateinu (5:27)
8. Hatei Elokai Oznecha (7:05)
Ki Keshimcha (U-nefanne Toquef) (8:50)
10. Ki Lekach Tov (7:14)
11. Al Harishonim (7:54)

The history of Chazzanuth – the reading of Jewish liturgical texts by the Cantor or Chazzan – in its professional form goes back more than 170 years, but only in the beginning of 20th century appeared the great masters of this genre.

The liturgical chants which can be heard on this CD have been recorded in 1973 in Israel after his emigration from Soviet Union when Misha Alexandrovich had been appointed Chief Cantor of the Great Synagogue of Ramat Gan

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Maftirim – Judeo-Sufi Connection

Album : Judeo-Sufi Collection
Artist : Maftirim Chorus & Hazan Aaron
Release date : 2001
Label : Kalan Müzik
Number of discs : 1
Genre : World
Total Time : 01:08:10

1.      Ses Taksim (trad.) 1:08
2.      Azkir Hasde El (Abraham) 5:19
3.      Yismah Ar Tsiyon (Yehuda) 2:31
4.      Hadesh Kekedem (Chaim) 3:16
5.      Mizmor Shir LeYom AShabat (King David) 2:35
6.      Meulal Shem (Behor Mevorah) 3:50
7.      Maru Kol Sharim (Moses) 2:23
8.      Eloe Tsidki (Abraham) 2:54
9.      Hishavti (Shapsi Hayim) 8:15
10.  Ahare Nimkar (trad.) 2:11
11.  Ya Shalad (trad.) 3:06
12.  Yistmah Shalom (Isaac Varon) 2:59
13.  Akav Birhateha (Isaac Varon) 2:51
14.  Yeme Levavi Biroti (Neyzen Yusuf Pasha) 4:35
15.  Yishlah Mishamayim (Tanburi Itzhak) 2:04
16.  El Ar BatSiyon (Avtalyon) 1:48
17.  A_u E_ _u--Lord, our G-d (Moshe Ben Natan) 3:17
18.  El Shelah et Tishbi (Avtalyon) 2:36
19.  Hag Amarkabim (Moshe Beccerano) 3:33 

Even before the Ottoman Sultan Bayezik II invited the Jews who were forced out of Spain in 1492 to settle in what is modern Turkey, Jews had long dwelled there. As in Moorish Spain where Jews and Muslims shared culture including music, Jews found a kindred spirit with Sufis in Turkey, and their mystical poetic hymns were a model for Jewish maftirim, sung before sabbath and other services. This album from Turkey is in the form of a 63-page book (like Putumayo and Rough Guide issues) written in Turkish and English (more text is in Turkish), with photographs. A brief history of Jews in Turkey is presented along with information on the composers and poets of hymns from the Renaissance to more contemporary times. Track listings include Turkish instrumentation, maqam mode, and particular rite, as Pesach, Shabbat, and Chanukah.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Hamza Shakkûr & Al-Kindî Ensemble – Sufi Songs of Damaskus

Album : Sufi Songs of Damaskus
Artist : Hamza Shakkûr and the Al-Kindî Ensemble
Release date : 1995
Label :  Long Distance France
Number of discs : 1
Total time : 01:00:34

[1-2] Al-Salam Al-Rabi :
Traditional arrangement: Julien al-din Weiss
Sacred musical suite in the Mawlawiyya Dervish tradition
Huzam mode
- Taqsim Huzam [composition Abd al-salam safar]
- Taqsim Sikah [composition Julian Jalal al-Din Weiss]
- Mawwal Sikah [composition Hamza Shakkur]
[3-4] Ghayri Ala S-Sulwan Qadir :
Trad. Arr Julien Jalal al-Din
Sacred musical suite in the Mawlawiyya Dervish tradition
Huzam mode
- Taqsim Rast Qanun [composition Julian Jalal al-Din Weiss]
- Taqsim Rast Nay [composition Abd al-salam safar]
- Layali Rast [composition Hamza Shakkur]
- Ibtihal Bayyati [composition Hamza Shakkur]
[5] Chanting (Tartil) Of The Qur’an
Chapter of the family of Imran, |||, 33 A 37
Bayyati mode

During the medieval heyday of Islamic hegemony, Damascus held one of the great music schools (Cordoba being the other). Its Sufi brotherhoods have since preserved a tradition that incorporated Byzantine and Armenian Christian elements. Shakkur is one of the great Sufi vocalists. He performs two types of sacred suite that include instrumental sections for nay flute, qanun dulcimer and frame-drum.
 ~ John Storm Roberts, Original Music, All Music Guide

Monday, August 22, 2011

Saint Ephrem Church Choir - Syrian Orthodox Church: Antioch Liturgy

Album : Saint Ephrem Church Choir
 Performer: Antioch Liturgy: Syrian Orthodox Church
 Release date : 1992
 Label :  AUVIDIS
 Number of discs : 1
 Genre : Religious
 Total time : 00:47:29


1. Sanctus – Anaphora 4:36
2. Qolo - "At the outer door " 6:24
3. Takhshefto - " The Days Pass Like a Shadow " 4:50
4. Gnizo - "Glory to the Magnanimous One " 6:12


5. Breviary (Adoration of the Cross and "Our Father") 9:34
6. Communion Chant: "He Whom the Jeraphim Fear to Behold" 4:59
7. Takhshefto - "Like the Merchants " 4:46
8. Madrosh - "Describe Thy Beauty " 5:38

This ancient Eastern Church had spread throughout the Near East (Lebanon, Turkey, etc.). The language used is Syriac, a survivor of Aramaic. From Aleppo, Damascus and a Syrian village, these monodic and ornate liturgical songs are performed by choirs, some of then female voices.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Petros Tabouris - Sacred Music of Greek Antiquity

Album : Sacred Music of Greek Antiquity
Performer(s) : Petros Tabouris & Aulites
Release date : 1995
Label: IFM Records
Number of discs : 2
Genre : Religious
Total time : CD1: 00:47:05
                    CD2: 00:48:57

  1. Second Delphic Hymn to Apollo {P}
  2. Hymn to Zeus {Q}
  3. « Maktrismos » Dance {Q}
    Mesomedes of Crete
  4. Hymn to the Muse {P}
  5. First Delphic Hymn to Apollo (instr.) {P}
  6. To Aphrodite {Q}
  7. « Agios o Theos » Chanted around the altar
  8. « Gigras » Dance {Q}
    Mesomedes of Crete
  9. Hymn to Nemesis (P)
  10. Instrumental fragment from Contrapollinopolis (P)
  11. « Aulos » (instr.) {Q}
  12. « Savarios » Dance {Q}
  13. « Barbitos » (instr.) {Q}
  14. To Demon. Orphic hymn {Q}
  15. « Dithyramvos » {Q}
  16. « Ithyphallic » melody {Q}
  17. « Ioniki » Dance {Q}
  18. Fragment from comedy "Birds" {Q}
  1. Antigone {Q}
  2. First Delphic Hymn to Apollo {P}
  3. « Korivantes » (instr.) {Q}
    Mesomedes of Crete
  4. Hymn to the Muse
  5. « Telesias » Dance {Q}
  6. Stasimon « from Orestes » {P}
  7. « Thronismos » Dance{Q}
  8. The Elysium in Hades {Q}
    Mesomedes of Crete
  9. Hymn to the Sun {P}
  10. Tecmessas's lament - Fragment from the tragedy "Aias" {P} 

Aulites [Giannis Basiliou (aulos), Giannis Dobridis (askaulos - bagpipe), Stavros Kouskouridas (souravli), Françoise Bucquet (lyre, barbitos), Stavros Beris (kithara), Nestoras Drougas (krotala, tympanon, rhoptron), Petros Tabouris (pandora, trigonon, piktis)]

Singers: Tasos Aloupis, Kostis Georgalis, Nikos Konstantinopoulos, Giorgos Kostantzos, Stavros Beris, Panourias, Nikos Psarianos

Readers: K. Konstantopoulos, Elini Felipa, Stavroula Seitanidou
with participation of "Early Music Workshop".

The parts of the collection which are not musical fragments dating from antiquity, are reconstructions of ancient melodies, based on the prosody of the verse and the suitable harmony.